Author: stephanieorsini_admin

  • Though none go with me, I still will follow…

    Most of the time, I’m an easy target. Attacking me can become a virtual free for all. Thankfully, that’s rare. That’s probably because most people can see that I’m pretty well meaning. I’m generally not trying to do any harm. But that doesn’t mean my mistakes don’t hurt others. I realize that they do, and…

  • Childrens Church Curriculum Introduction

    Summary of the Curriculum Introduction I’ve got ADHD and I needed to be able to print my lesson, study it in the car on the way to church, and get to work teaching as soon as I arrived at class, almost 2 minutes late. If you’re anything like me, I think you’re going to love…

  • The $14 Foundation of My Faith

    One day, when I was 11 years old, Mami and I were heading out to Manhattan. We were planning to visit Delancey Street, browse through May’s Department Store on 14th Street, and maybe visit a cuchifrito for some delicious fried treats. It was our usual Saturday routine, and she purposely skimped on some of the…

  • Thoughts about My Father

    My absent father was a key central figure in my life, in a much bigger way than he might have been if he had been there all the time. Because he wasn’t there, I obsessed about that hole in my life. Through a process of continual questioning, I learned that he loved us kids and…

  • Creative Writing Exerpt

    Mom was a stereotype, of sorts. She was one of those white girls who saw herself in another ethnicity. Although she was paler than an albino rat, she was insistent on speaking Spanish at home for at least two hours a day. She said it would keep them from losing the culture. What culture—we’re white…

  • I Am the Door

    Stephanie here: Jesus claimed to be a door. No, wait, he claimed to be THE door. He’s not afraid to tell us that he isn’t going to accept any other entry point to heaven. And there’s a really good reason for this. It’s because he knows that it’s true. Isn’t that so simple and easy…

  • God Has Got You!

    This creator’s eye for detail is exceptional. I looked at these figures and I was amazed at how there is a picture of their purpose drawn onto their own bodies. I loved that! Each individual piece bears the mark of its life’s story. People have a creator, as well, and his eye for detail is…

  • I’m Giving It Another Try

    I’ve been attempting to resurrect a dream that I had twenty years ago. I want to be a writer. Back then , I thought that if I just got the words down on paper without editing, I could go back with a fresh mind and fix them all. Just a little proofreading, you know, and…

  • The Importance of Memories

    Most of my childhood photos are missing. I believe I have less than five of them. It’s kind of a bummer, considering that I was a cute, albeit annoying kid. So, now as an adult, I really value pictures of my own children. Thankfully, there are many. We have few photos of the daily ho…


    The little ones around here have become lovers of rhyme. All day long, they sing and jabber about anything that sounds to them like a poem, “Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you!” They’ll turn anything into a song, “So-and-so looks like a an ape, he ate a grape,…